art making workshop for creative renewal
Saturday, March 17, 2012 ----- 1-6:00 pm
Fort Worden State Park, Port Townsend, WA
Fort Worden State Park, Port Townsend, WA
A Mandala is a circular form in which different visual elements find their place around a center point. The circle represents wholeness and everything within the circle is interrelated and interconnected. Mandalas are often created to facilitate a particular focus of attention and healing.
Workshop will help you:
· Explore your creativity through guided exercises, visualizations & writing
· Stretch your imagination
· Learn to use simple, yet powerful, universal symbols for growth and healing
· Investigate personal meaning through art making
· Refresh yourself with focused, playful, creative exercise
· Create your own personal Mandala
! No previous art experience is necessary!
Drawing materials provided.
1-6pm Workshop
$5o / sliding scale
$5o / sliding scale
Facilitated by Gloria Lamson (aka Glo)
For questions and registration
Call or write: 360-344-3232 or glolamson@gmail.com
Gloria (aka Glo) Lamson has been “doing” art since 1970, teaching since 1978. She has an MFA in Arts & Consciousness from John F. Kennedy University in California, teaches for Artist Trusts’ EDGE Program. Currently she is working to become certified through the Creativity Coaching Association. With this workshop she offers both artists and non-artists a way to bring the benefits of creativity and art making into daily living.