Aug 16, 2024
My studio will be open for Studio Tour 10-6pm, August 24. Come & play with/in a "Conversation in Paint"

Mar 16, 2024
Northwind Art Creative Work/Playtime Open Studio - at Fort - SUNDAY, MARCH 31, 1:00PM - 5:00PM PDT
Creative Work/Playtime Open Studio
SUNDAY, MARCH 31, 1:00PM - 5:00PM PDTRegular price
DESCRIPTION Do creative stuff and celebrate spring! Join host Glo Lamson in this nurturing and fun open studio. Mess around with provided collage materials or bring whatever supplies you want to play/work with. Come with an idea of something you want to do or make, or let the moment and the community environment inspire you! You never know what might show up until you give yourself time and space to explore.
Collage materials will be provided, or bring any of your own materials that you want to work with!
- Northwind Art School is equipped with most common supplies for you to use including brushes, water containers, pencils, palettes, scrap paper etc.
FREE and suggested donation $20+ at the door or at checkout online via the "add donation” function at Northwind Art website, all funds raised will go toward the Northwind Art scholarship fund! And anything you give is appreciated!
Come for the entire time or pop in & out as you wish. Or just stop by to say hello!
Don's Pharmacy offer Northwind Art School students a 10% discount on art supplies. (If you sign up thru Northwind’s website)
ABOUT GLO Aka Gloria Lamson is an interdisciplinary artist whose work has been central in her life for more than 50 years. During that time, she has a history of making jewelry, doing photography, creating artist books, abstract paintings, some sculpture, and temporary, site responsive installations and interactions which she documents with photographs. She graduated from Evergreen State College with a specialization in photography. Years later she earned an MFA in Arts and Consciousness from JFK University.
Her work has been shown at the art museums of Bellevue, Tacoma, and Oakland as well as in many galleries. She has done numerous public temporary site responsive installations in studios, galleries, store fronts, art parks, and in the natural environments of Alaska, California, Washington, Wyoming, and Colorado.Her creative work has been an important stimulus for connection, growth and healing in her life. She hopes to share, support, and facilitate conscious creativity in others so they may know these gifts also. It is her belief that working creatively in this way can help us become more authentic, enabling us feel more deeply connected to ourselves and others. Also that it can help us experience greater peace within ourselves, which enables us to bring a more peaceful presence to the world we share.
Blog: , Instagram @glolamson , Website under construction -
Don's Pharmacy offer Northwind Art School students a 10% discount on art supplies. (If you sign up thru Northwind’s website)
Her creative work has been an important stimulus for connection, growth and healing in her life. She hopes to share, support, and facilitate conscious creativity in others so they may know these gifts also. It is her belief that working creatively in this way can help us become more authentic, enabling us feel more deeply connected to ourselves and others. Also that it can help us experience greater peace within ourselves, which enables us to bring a more peaceful presence to the world we share.
Blog: , Instagram @glolamson , Website under construction -