Aug 16, 2015

Morning meditations - On retreat in Spokane

This place of now
Puzzling (Ponderosa pine)
Coming out from under
Between many and one
This 'work' was done during a 9 day silent meditation retreat with Jason Siff in Spokane. The outside temperature varied between 70 degrees in 'cool' nights and 104 degrees. Being a Washington coastal type (our weather is often cool, grey and rainy), the heat provided another dimension to alter my perception. Camping at night, in a tent in the meadow, helped me wake with the birds and develop my own form of morning meditation. In the cool of the morning, I walked the land, engaging what was within and around me with natural materials and the cotton gloves and jigsaw puzzle pieces I brought with me. 

During the retreat, as we wove between sitting meditation and dharma talks, between being indoors and being outdoors in nature, I had many thoughts about art-working as a spiritual practice. For years this has been a recurring thread in my work and thoughts. Soon I look forward to focusing more attention in this direction. If you're interested and want me to keep you posted on developments involving my work with art and spiritual practice and/or art as a healing force. Let me know via email at  glolamson @ gmail dot com (no spaces) . (will send only rare emails.)

Tertium quid

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