Apr 18, 2017

Jentel Artist in Residence - April-May 2017

Denver Airport wall - before flight to Sheriden Wy
I'm thrilled to be working with Jentel's Artist in Residence Program in Wyoming for the next month. This kind of artist residency program is my idea of heaven on earth! Dedicated time and space within an ultra supportive community within beautiful, vast, wild nature. Also the joy of sharing work, thoughts and experience with 5 other dedicated artists from different parts of the county.


Easter Sunday...our first full day here...After Lynn Reeves gave us a great tour of our surrounds and took us grocery shopping, my thoughts turned towards the metaphor of rising from the dead. Curious to see what will grow out of the ashes of my past, fed by the richness of this new (to me) environment. Responding to the question... "Where to begin?"  I lay out some my working materials I have brought and shipped to Jentel.
Center position is held by Rebecca Welti's gift to me - her grandfather's compass within one of her carved barnacles.  A treasure to this coastal person that I am, to find my way amidst this unfamiliar territory.

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